Amazing Stories

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Paying it Forward with Project Jack
April 7, 2022

Paying it Forward with Project Jack

Fellows Elementary 4th-grade students in Holly Ann Carter’s class paid it forward in March as part of their participation in Project Jack.  The Iowa Association…

Fellows Elementary 4th-Grader, Castle Greene, earns Iowa Motion Picture Award
May 25, 2021

Fellows Elementary 4th-Grader, Castle Greene, earns Iowa Motion Picture Award

The 30th Annual Iowa Motion Picture Awards were held on May 22, 2021, in Ottumwa, Iowa, and Fellows Elementary student, Castle Greene, was the youngest person in the field to be nominated for an award. 

What Does School Refusal Look Like? A Mental Health Story
August 27, 2019

What Does School Refusal Look Like? A Mental Health Story

Becca is from all accounts a very normal elementary school student who loves school. She is not what comes to mind when you think of mental health. In fact, she comes from a stable, middle-class family that has avoided many of the risk factors that are often associated with mental health. Her mom, Annie, has a specialist in education degree and her dad Andy works at the university in IT security. They have open lines of communication, promote Becca’s self-esteem, and are cognizant to help equip all three of their children for their future. 

Passion Clubs at Fellows Elementary
June 4, 2019

Passion Clubs at Fellows Elementary

Care. Learn. Lead. At Fellows Elementary, this theme can be seen in the classroom, at assemblies, and in unique initiatives like passion clubs. New to this school year, third to fifth-grade students selected an interest-oriented club that was sponsored by teachers to be a part of. Fellows Principal Brandon Schrauth said, “This year we have been focusing on increasing a sense of belonging amongst our students. Passion clubs were one action we identified to increase belonging and support students in identifying their greatness.”

Multicultural Day at Fellows Elementary
December 18, 2018

Multicultural Day at Fellows Elementary

Fellows Elementary held a Multicultural Day for students on September 28 when they collaborated with CultureALL, a Des Moines area company. CultureALL reaches out into the…

Read-a-Thon Celebration
February 26, 2018

Read-a-Thon Celebration

In January, elementary schools across the District organized read-a-thon events in collaboration with their PTOs. “The goal is to get students to develop a passion…

Storm of Kindness School Supply Campaign
September 21, 2017

Storm of Kindness School Supply Campaign Hurricane’s Harvey and Irma ravaged southern parts of the United States and Christy Franco’s 4th grade class at Fellows Elementary School followed the events closely as a part of their current events study. The students began asking questions about what would happen with the schools in the area and were genuinely concerned about the welfare of the students and schools that were impacted by the storm and flooding. Franco capitalized on their enthusiasm to help and began organizing the “Storm of Kindness” school supply campaign. She reached out to Principal Brandon Schrauth and Fellows PTO President Angie Weber to organize the drive. Students made posters for the campaign and with the help of a local videography company and Fellows parent, Tom Haggas from Cheshire Moon Films, produced a video to highlight their efforts and to educate the community on how they can help.


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